Saturday, December 23, 2006

Here's to Christmas!!

The concert got postponed, people are stealing presents out of cars and it is RAINING !!!!

I am reviewing my roast recipe for dinner and realize I still don't have a meat thermometer so I was wondering Weed if I go through the boxes up on the hill if I will find one!!! I promise I will put it back. This year is a bit of a hodgepodge dinner. Father-in-law and date, my sister brother-in-law, niece and a very special UNCLE. I say it every year but THIS should really be interesting!!

I do have FOUR days off (why am I up at 5:30??) well I have to get to the grocery at 8 when they open so I can get the cream cheese I need before they run out and I am getting my hair done!! Yes I know it is just a small thing but I am going BY myself and adding a little color!! Merry xmas to me since I am the only one who likes it a different color!!! (don't worry I always choose a shade of reddish!!!!)

That's it for me I will try to post before another month goes by ......I miss you guys! an oh yeah


Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jackman 2 points

YAAAAY Two points for Colby!! In case you can't see him .....He is number 13 (yeah yeah go figure) and he is the skinny one with all the hair. I had to edit the video a little to shorten and it's a little blury. He played the WHOLE 4th quarter and yes I was on the bench for a bit thinking arg8&&&*! I drove ALLLLL the way to Jackman just for team support. It was a good game for us other than in the first two minutes of playing one of our star players took an elbow to the face and knocked his tooth just about out. He got some emergency dental repair and I hear he doing well. I hope the rest of the season is a little less like football!!

I thought he might spend the entire game here.......

But in the game he goes ...........see the score

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving was great!!!

Kick off Christmas.
It was loads of fun for the kids! Games, food, face painting and SANTA in the gym. My oldest girl wanted nothing to do with ahhhh Mrs. Butman. ;-) but she did an excellent job knowing everyones names and making it very personal. The weather was perfect for outside games put on by NREC. They played predator tag and went in the woods geocaching!! The whole day was well organized and the parade was a nice addition to the Tree lighting!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

This is my dog Jorja. See Jorja run...........see Jorja come home with a police escort. oooooh next time I think she will go straight to doggy Jail. So I must say she is on a short short rope. I am pretty sure she has a BOYFRIEND why else would she run from here.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy Birthday To Annie !!

Another Birthday party at my house. We love to eat cake and get presents. It's our favorite. Well ok I like it and I think the youngest ones do too. We had Dinner Ice Cream Cake and presents. Mom and Dad gave her a tiny dj of her own. She was very surprised since she didn't ask for one. She always wants to use her brothers so it seemed the perfect gift. She also got the Polly world and she loves it!!! I think someone in the south should get one for xmas !!! Think Bratz under a microscope ;-)

Saturdaymorning we picked up a few friends and headed out to bowling. They had a blast and we made a day of it. On the way down they played 20 questions a board game she got for a present. On the way back we stopped at the Dollar store and they got to pick a prize. Welllll that was fun FOR THEM hahaha. Anyway they all finally decided on the same thing (with a little assistancefrom me) to get a little build your own bear, frog or monkey. That kept them busy on the ride home and they got a keepsake. I think everyone had a good time and another party done .......till January

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

1. Explain what ended your last relationship? You got to do what you canAnd let Mother Nature do the restAin't no doubt about itWe were doubly doubly doubly blessedCause we were barely seventeenAnd we were barely--dressed Paradise by the dashboard lights baaaaby

2. When was the last time you shaved?This morning

3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? making cinnamon toast pouring juice and wiping messes

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?the same thing

5. Are you any good at math? yeah

6. Your prom night? a little foggy NOT from aging

7. Do you have any famous ancestors?related to the founding fathers of the town of sleazy Veazie not really famous huh?

8. Have you had to take a loan out for school? nope

9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? yes

10. Last thing received in the mail? Annie's birthday present from the Walmart

11. How many different beverages have you had today? coffee coffee coffee

12. Do you ever leave messages on peoples answering machines? all the time but not my favorite " *cougph* *cougph* yeah Linda got $5.00 " That how i sound but nevertheless I still do it

13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Cheap Trick and the Ramones at the Bangor Civic Center many many many moons ago (maybe even before that Loverboy concert)

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? my name and the kids names and hearts and flowers and whatever else comes to mind

15. What was the most painful dental procedure you have had? wisdom teeth out from an Army dentist with his brother a doctor watching and ahhh yeah asking questions about the process "excuse me more novacaine please" cause I know that is gonna hurt before you even get all those tools in my mouth

16. What is out your back door? my grill a shovel ice melt then the parking area

17. Any plans for Friday night? Annie's family b-day party with dinner and ice cream cake and Presents

18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? my hair always looks like the ocean hit it

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? no but i luv all popcorn

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? yeah

21. Do you re-use towels after you shower? uh no nasty I know I know reduce reuse blah blah I like a fresh smelling towel and I don't accidently want to use the one YOU wiped your but on ;-)

22. Some things you are excited about? the holidays spent with my sister and family who have been out of state for years!!!

23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? raspberry with vodka

24. Describe your keychain(s)? a pewter golden retriever head from my first puppy, a bottle opener from Denver, a tiny but useful swiss army knife

25. This question is MIA. that's silly.

26. Where do you keep your change? I empty it into a bucket every night

27. What kind of winter coat do you own? an EMS short zip up fleece coat warm and easy to layer

28. What was the weather like on your graduation day? I didn't my GED while in Germany

29. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? my life is an open door ;-)
30. Did U read this far? ayup

Monday, November 06, 2006

Veterans Day

Veterans Day Honors Those Who Have Served

Veterans Day originated in the Armistice Day holiday commemorating theNovember 11, 1918, armistice at 11 a.m. (hence “the eleventh hour ofthe eleventh day of the eleventh month”), which suspended active hostilities and effectively ended the First World War.

Unlike several other U.S. holidays now celebrated on Mondays to create long holiday weekends, Veterans Day continues to be observed on November 11. This preserves the historical significance of the date and helps focus attention on the holiday’s important purpose:

to honorAmerica's veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

Adapted from Department of Veterans Affairs materials

Ok Thats it my little tribute for Veterans Day. I know it is a day off from work for most but take a moment for your veteran on Friday.

If you look real close you can see Lila

These pics are a little old but still my babies. Oh if we could turn back time .......

Don't forget to Vote !!!

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

In flight

They are on their way.  I am glad the weather turned nice for the  flight and I am excited for everyone but.................ITS a long TIME to be gone.  They will miss snow !!!  I just had to post this picture because your favorite uncle is tucked away in the luggage department of the plane........... I didn't think anyone would mind

Its all counted and put away and Chocolate makes you thirsty!!

We had fun trick or treating.  The weather was warm and WET.  We got tons of candy and it IS wonderful to have my sister and family here.  That will keep my mind off missing folks at  Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Home Sweet Home

The bees are coming home.......

I am counting the minutes now...........should be about 5ish I think. They will get here just intime to trick or treat !!! We are trying to figure out where to parkthe moving van. Suggestions anyone. lol ;-)


Blogged with Flock

Happy Neighbors
In my neck of the woods we have subtle property disputes ALL the time. We share an entrance to our parking area called a Right of Way with my South neighbor. My neighbor likes to travel up this r.o.w. at high rates of speed specifically at times my friends might be trying to get into or out of my parking area. Well this morning as a truck was backing out of my area onto the shared area he speeds up honking his horn and just about crashed into this truck . Nice .....................................

Yesterday I have a nice message on my phone machine from the North Neighbor "Thanks for washing out flower bed. Next time I hope you can reroute the water towards the road and not on my pwopery." Well when it rains heavy and the wind blows hard we have a little water runoff problem that we try to divert away from our cellar with a sumperpumper. This runoof is headed to all the neighbors and we all *deal* with it. My theory and I am probly wrong I know .....this washout was headed her way regardless of the little that came from my cellar. Anyway happy notes from my blog today. :-0

Mister fixit came yesterday and repaired all the broken appliances. I am escited to say I am back in laundry business!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween from the pumpkin patch


We are ready!!!  The pumpkins are carved the costumes  are laid out Bring us the candy. 


We enjoyed a nice family activity cutting pumpkins and going to the Halloween Party at the gym.  The kids paraded around the gym in their costumes, they played games and then had some snacks.


              pumpkincarve06012.jpg          pumpkincarve06020.jpg            pumpkincarve06005.jpg

Tomorrow my Katie, Darin, Skylar and Sierra get here from Rhode Island.  They are moving back to Maine !!!!! Yippee !!!  They should get here in time to trick for treat. 

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ok This is snow on top of Squaw Mountain ....I took the picture today. Aunt Janet might still have to shovel once!! ;-)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I feel better now .....The washer won't spin the dishwasher won't drain the heater won't heat WHAT next!!!! yes yes I called the GUY of course a drug induced day on the couch would be wonderful!!!

ok then I could sail into the sunset instead
aaaah happy place

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The pumpkins were a bit frosty this am.............

Are we ready for this??

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Last night was sad for some of the pumpkins at the zoo.

On Hallows Eve the pumpkins will return .................... and rule the world!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Zoo Review


The muscles of the cheeks and lips are attached to the gums and tissue of the mouth by a piece of soft tissue called a frenum. Sometimes a frenum can be attached too high on the gums causing either recession or spaces between teeth.

You can clearly see Annie's dilemma!

A Frenectomy is a simple procedure where either part or all of the frenum in question is removed in order to return a healthy balance to the mouth. (same procedure for tongue tie just on the bottom)

Annie is doing fine!!! She had some pain yesterday but the tylenol with codeine helped as well the steady diet of ice cream and pudding. For those of you who have boys and have had to go thru the circumcision ......this is about the same. I hated seeing her go thru it .......just as it was horrible to take my babies for that other simple procedure. I felt sick sick sick .......It's all about cosmetics now isn't it!!! Anyway this is Annie's first step in improving her smile and I can NOT convince her to do an after photo for you.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I love fall

I enjoy the change of the season. The color changes everything.On Saturday Annie, Lila and I went to the Corn Maize with the Brownies Troop. It was fun .....but the maize was a bit muddy. On Halloween weekend the farm has a haunted hay ride and the corn maize is open. I might (bravely) take the older one with some friends. They have a pumpkin patch and we did pick a bunch to bring home. The farm has a nice picnic and play area. There is a sanbox full of corn kernels and that is where Lila could have spent the afternoon. The four wheeler that pulls a cow train was enjoyed by everyone.

On Sunday we decorated the house for Halloween and aaaagh cleaned the back yard. You know put away all the stuff from summer to get ready for snow.