Happy Neighbors
In my neck of the woods we have subtle property disputes ALL the time. We share an entrance to our parking area called a Right of Way with my South neighbor. My neighbor likes to travel up this r.o.w. at high rates of speed specifically at times my friends might be trying to get into or out of my parking area. Well this morning as a truck was backing out of my area onto the shared area he speeds up honking his horn and just about crashed into this truck . Nice .....................................
Yesterday I have a nice message on my phone machine from the North Neighbor "Thanks for washing out flower bed. Next time I hope you can reroute the water towards the road and not on my pwopery." Well when it rains heavy and the wind blows hard we have a little water runoff problem that we try to divert away from our cellar with a sumperpumper. This runoof is headed to all the neighbors and we all *deal* with it. My theory and I am probly wrong I know .....this washout was headed her way regardless of the little that came from my cellar. Anyway happy notes from my blog today. :-0
Mister fixit came yesterday and repaired all the broken appliances. I am escited to say I am back in laundry business!!!