Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Home Sweet Home

The bees are coming home.......

I am counting the minutes now...........should be about 5ish I think. They will get here just intime to trick or treat !!! We are trying to figure out where to parkthe moving van. Suggestions anyone. lol ;-)


Blogged with Flock

Happy Neighbors
In my neck of the woods we have subtle property disputes ALL the time. We share an entrance to our parking area called a Right of Way with my South neighbor. My neighbor likes to travel up this r.o.w. at high rates of speed specifically at times my friends might be trying to get into or out of my parking area. Well this morning as a truck was backing out of my area onto the shared area he speeds up honking his horn and just about crashed into this truck . Nice .....................................

Yesterday I have a nice message on my phone machine from the North Neighbor "Thanks for washing out flower bed. Next time I hope you can reroute the water towards the road and not on my pwopery." Well when it rains heavy and the wind blows hard we have a little water runoff problem that we try to divert away from our cellar with a sumperpumper. This runoof is headed to all the neighbors and we all *deal* with it. My theory and I am probly wrong I know .....this washout was headed her way regardless of the little that came from my cellar. Anyway happy notes from my blog today. :-0

Mister fixit came yesterday and repaired all the broken appliances. I am escited to say I am back in laundry business!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween from the pumpkin patch


We are ready!!!  The pumpkins are carved the costumes  are laid out Bring us the candy. 


We enjoyed a nice family activity cutting pumpkins and going to the Halloween Party at the gym.  The kids paraded around the gym in their costumes, they played games and then had some snacks.


              pumpkincarve06012.jpg          pumpkincarve06020.jpg            pumpkincarve06005.jpg

Tomorrow my Katie, Darin, Skylar and Sierra get here from Rhode Island.  They are moving back to Maine !!!!! Yippee !!!  They should get here in time to trick for treat. 

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ok This is snow on top of Squaw Mountain ....I took the picture today. Aunt Janet might still have to shovel once!! ;-)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I feel better now .....The washer won't spin the dishwasher won't drain the heater won't heat WHAT next!!!! yes yes I called the GUY of course a drug induced day on the couch would be wonderful!!!

ok then I could sail into the sunset instead
aaaah happy place

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The pumpkins were a bit frosty this am.............

Are we ready for this??

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Last night was sad for some of the pumpkins at the zoo.

On Hallows Eve the pumpkins will return .................... and rule the world!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Zoo Review


The muscles of the cheeks and lips are attached to the gums and tissue of the mouth by a piece of soft tissue called a frenum. Sometimes a frenum can be attached too high on the gums causing either recession or spaces between teeth.

You can clearly see Annie's dilemma!

A Frenectomy is a simple procedure where either part or all of the frenum in question is removed in order to return a healthy balance to the mouth. (same procedure for tongue tie just on the bottom)

Annie is doing fine!!! She had some pain yesterday but the tylenol with codeine helped as well the steady diet of ice cream and pudding. For those of you who have boys and have had to go thru the circumcision ......this is about the same. I hated seeing her go thru it .......just as it was horrible to take my babies for that other simple procedure. I felt sick sick sick .......It's all about cosmetics now isn't it!!! Anyway this is Annie's first step in improving her smile and I can NOT convince her to do an after photo for you.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I love fall

I enjoy the change of the season. The color changes everything.On Saturday Annie, Lila and I went to the Corn Maize with the Brownies Troop. It was fun .....but the maize was a bit muddy. On Halloween weekend the farm has a haunted hay ride and the corn maize is open. I might (bravely) take the older one with some friends. They have a pumpkin patch and we did pick a bunch to bring home. The farm has a nice picnic and play area. There is a sanbox full of corn kernels and that is where Lila could have spent the afternoon. The four wheeler that pulls a cow train was enjoyed by everyone.

On Sunday we decorated the house for Halloween and aaaagh cleaned the back yard. You know put away all the stuff from summer to get ready for snow.